Writer's Block - it's a thing
If you have been following along with my blog you would have noticed that it has been a few weeks since I have put out a blog post. Now when I began this blog again I made a commitment to myself that I would do a weekly post on anything. Well since the start of the year I broke my own commitment…
The Good old Writers block
Now this wasn’t due to not having time or energy to write these posts. I went through my normal routine on a weekend to go through the list of topics in my backlog and begin putting together a post for that week. What I found this month is that when it cam time to writing I struggled to get any down onto the page.
I would pick the topic, put together a structure for my post but when it came time to get to work I would just stare at my screen, what a frustration.
Today I had the same phenomenon with the topic that I wanted to discuss this week. I went through the normal process, pick the topic, structure out the blog post and then begin writing and once again nothing wanted to come.
Where has this come from
I think for me this came from beginning the story for a game that I am currently involved with. I feel like I am pretty good at being able to get my thoughts out onto the digital paper but with this project I couldn’t move forward with plotting out the main story arc for the game. I hit the wall for whatever reason and it has crossed over to my blog writing.
How to beat it.
This post is my way to overcome it. There isn’t a lot of structure to it but sitting down and getting this small post out is my way to begin trying to get over the current issue I have. So this post really isn’t for anyone else than myself to get the writers juices flowing again.
But while we are talking about it remember that if you ever come across the dreaded writers block it is ok, take a break from the process for a while and even put out a non-sensical post like this one if it helps. I give you permission and I am hoping for me at least this help me kickstart my writing for the rest of 2022.