Introducing Cade a Multiplatform arcade system
With Christmas fast approaching I decided to take a break from my normal work and picked up a project that I have wanted to for a while. The project is called Cade and today I will share my vision for this project, what my plans are and how you can get involved.
Cade: The Multiplatform arcade system

What is Cade? Cade is my vision for a multi-platform arcade system. Cade’s goal is to preserve gaming for retro platforms. Cade will have four goals
- Support as many retro platforms as possible.
- Aim to replicate the retro platforms gaming experience as close to the original as possible.
- Make Cade available on all major platforms.
- Offer the best user experience possible.
These goals will govern the decision making process when working on Cade. Right now Cade is running on Mac and is currently has an experimental CHIP-8 platform available.
Over the Christmas break the plan is to implement a library feature and begin working on implementing the Gameboy platform.
Cade has a website at https://playcade.app.
Cade has a Discord and Github available.
How to get involved
While Cade is in its infancy any help will be appreciated. You can either open an issue on Github to discussion implementing any new features or extensions. If you aren’t the developer type then come hang out and discuss Retro gaming or emulation on discord. If you are looking to help financially then currently any sponsors on my Github are going to this emulation effort.